19 weeks 3 days
Little Desmond has had so much fun this past week. His kicks are getting stronger and more constant each passing day.
Things that make him kick:
- Daddy's alarm clock going off in the morning.
- Music. He likes rock music, I think he can feel the vibrations better than other music genre. Desmond's music favorites: Lenny Kravitz, Interpol and Depeche Mode.
- Hearing his mommy and daddy talking. Also, when David kisses me, Desmond gives me a kick. It's hilarious!
- He is a night owl. When I'm relaxing or trying to sleep is when he is up and moving the most. It's like my tummy is a dance club and my boy's got some moves! Most likely inherited by his father.
Ava got to feel her brother move this week. When she felt him, her reaction was priceless. She had a huge goofy grin on her face, something I will remember and cherish forever. It's all she has been talking about for the past couple of days. She has been telling me that Desmond kicked her. Somehow, I think I will be hearing a lot of this in my future. My husband has yet to feel him move. Every time I put David's hand on my belly he stops and moves away. Funny enough, when I was pregnant with Ava, she did the very same thing to her father. I have stubborn babies, I tell you!
Other than that, my belly is getting bigger and breathing is getting tougher. I have had a few asthma attacks here and there. When it happens, I stay calm and the attack usually clears up within 15 minutes. I have had asthma most of my life, so I know how to handle it when I feel it coming on.
As for the cravings, they disappeared and my appetite is under control. When I was pregnant with Ava, nothing could satisfy my ravenous appetite and my cravings were all over the place. Now, I'm thirsty ALL the time and can't seem to quench it. I'm constantly hydrating, drinking well over the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. My weight gain has been steady. I've been continuing to lightly jog daily, which is OBGYN APPROVED for anyone that has their worries or concerns. Exercise has been one of the best thing for me. It gives me more energy during the day and that is something I need to keep up my rambunctious daughter.
Oh and I'm pretty sure the linea nigra starting to show. With Ava, I got it around the 19 week and I wouldn't be surprised if I had it again. I truly could not have asked for an easier pregnancy. My little boy has been very kind to his mommy. Just 4 more days till I'm 20 weeks and half way there!!!
p.s. I'm not sure if this is possible but I have been craving Lenny Kravitz's music. Desmond loves it more than any of the other bands I have played for him. I think his voice and the beat, not to mention his mommy loves to dance to it. So I'm guessing all those yummy endorphins from dancing probably contribute some:)

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